Lucy's Portafolio

Personal Strengths

Lucy's Cover Letter
Lucy's Resume
Personal Strengths
Personal Weaknesses
Goals and Work Experience

My first strength is: Hardworking

An employer would want to hire a person with this strength because

In a store, school or companies there will always be work that needs to be done. An employer is always looking for someone who is hardworking.

My first strength is: Punctual

An employer would want to hire a person with this strength because

Work will begin at a certain time everyday. The employer seeks workers who will always be there at a given time or before.

My first strength is: Understanding

An employer would want to hire a person with this strength because

Customers will sometimes need special attention for special situations. Understanding a customer’s situation will improve our competence.

My first strength is: Cooperative

An employer would want to hire a person with this strength because

A workplace has many employees who should cooperate with one another to get the job done.

My first strength is: Enthusiastic

An employer would want to hire a person with this strength because

When one person is in a positive mood it can make the happier as well